Selasa, 2 Februari 2010

Dimana Tembok Iskandar Zulqarnain-?

Kali ni nak bawa kisah-kisah misteri pulak hehehe.Cerita IZ ni memang terdapat dalam al-Quran(al-Kahfi mulai ayat 83-99).mengikut Ahli -Ahli Tafsir sebab ayat ini diturunkan lantaran pertanyaan(menguji kerasulan Nabi Mohamad s.a.w)dari golongan  yahudi ketika dalam misi dakwah tauhid baginda.Dalam ayat ini ada suatu misteri yang belum terungkap sepenuhnya(hakikatnya Allah yang lebih tahu dan maha berkuasa atas tiap-tiap sesuatu).Namun tidak salah manusia cuba merungkai rahsia-rahsia ini untuk menjadi iktibar,pengajaran dan mengukuh keimanan.


وَيَسْأَلُونَكَ عَن ذِي ٱلْقَرْنَيْنِ قُلْ سَأَتْلُواْ عَلَيْكُم مِّنْهُ ذِكْراً }

And they, the Jews, question you concerning Dhū’l-Qarnayn, whose name was Alexander; he was not a prophet. Say: ‘I shall recite, relate, to you a mention, an account, of him’, 

{ إِنَّا مَكَّنَّا لَهُ فِي ٱلأَرْضِ وَآتَيْنَاهُ مِن كُلِّ شَيْءٍ سَبَباً } فَأَتْبَعَ سَبَباً }

Indeed We empowered him throughout the land, by facilitating [for him] the journeying therein, and We gave him to everything, of which one might have need, a way, a route to lead him to that which he sought.

{ حَتَّىٰ إِذَا بَلَغَ مَغْرِبَ ٱلشَّمْسِ وَجَدَهَا تَغْرُبُ فِي عَيْنٍ حَمِئَةٍ وَوَجَدَ عِندَهَا قَوْماً قُلْنَا يٰذَا ٱلْقَرْنَيْنِ إِمَّآ أَن تُعَذِّبَ وَإِمَّآ أَن تَتَّخِذَ فِيهِمْ حُسْناً }

until, when he reached the setting of the sun, the place where it sets, he found it setting in a muddy spring (‘ayn hami’a: [a spring] containing ham’a, which is black clay): its setting in a spring is [described as seen] from the perspective of the eye, for otherwise it is far larger [in size] than this world; and he found by it, that is, [by] the spring, a folk, of disbelievers. We said, ‘O Dhū’l-Qarnayn — by [means of] inspiration — either chastise, the folk, by slaying [them], or treat them kindly’, by [merely] taking them captive.

{ قَالَ أَمَّا مَن ظَلَمَ فَسَوْفَ نُعَذِّبُهُ ثُمَّ يُرَدُّ إِلَىٰ رَبِّهِ فَيُعَذِّبُهُ عَذَاباً نُّكْراً }

He said, ‘As for him who does wrong, by way of [practising] idolatry, we shall chastise him, We shall slay him. Then he shall be returned to his Lord and He shall chastise him with an awful chastisement (read nukran or nukuran), that is, a severe [one], in the Fire.

{ وَأَمَّا مَنْ آمَنَ وَعَمِلَ صَالِحاً فَلَهُ جَزَآءً ٱلْحُسْنَىٰ وَسَنَقُولُ لَهُ مِنْ أَمْرِنَا يُسْراً }{ ثُمَّ أَتْبَعَ سَبَباً

But as for him who believes and acts righteously, he shall have the fairest reward, namely, Paradise (the annexation construction [jazā’u l-husnā, ‘the fairest reward’] is explicative; a variant reading has jazā’an al-husnā, ‘[he shall have] as a requital that which is fairest’; al-Farrā’ said that this accusative [reading of jazā’an] is [intended] as an explanation [of the nature of the requital] by way of attribution [to ‘that which is fairest’]; and we shall speak to him mildly in our command’, that is to say, we shall command him with what he will find easy [to bear].

 حَتَّىٰ إِذَا بَلَغَ مَطْلِعَ ٱلشَّمْسِ وَجَدَهَا تَطْلُعُ عَلَىٰ قَوْمٍ لَّمْ نَجْعَل لَّهُمْ مِّن دُونِهَا سِتْراً }{اً

until, when he reached the rising of the sun, the place where it rises, he found it rising on a folk, namely, Negroes (zanj), for whom We had not provided against it, that is, [against] the sun, any [form of] cover, in the way of clothing or roofing, as their land could not support any structures; they had underground tunnels into which they would disappear at the rising of the sun and out of which they would emerge when it was at its highest point [in the sky].

حَتَّىٰ إِذَا بَلَغَ بَيْنَ السَّدَّيْنِ وَجَدَ مِن دُونِهِمَا قَوْماً لاَّ يَكَادُونَ يَفْقَهُونَ قَوْلاً }

until, when he reached between the two barriers (read al-saddayn or al-suddayn here and [likewise] further below [at verse 94, saddan or suddan]) — [these were] two mountains [lying] in the remote regions beyond the land of the Turks; Alexander sealed the breach between the two, as will be described [below] — he found on this side of them, that is, in front of them, a folk that could scarcely comprehend speech, in other words, they could only understand it after much agonising (a variant reading [for yafqahūna, ‘comprehend’] has yufqihūna, ‘be understood’
Tu sebahagian dari cerita dari Surah al-Kahfi.
Isu yang hendak dibincang disini..

1.Siapa Iskandar Zulqarnain?
2.Dari mana mula perjalanan dan akhir perjalanan beliau?
3,Dimana tempat dimaksudkan tempat matahari terbenam.ain hamiah(laut berlumpur hitam)
4.Diaman tempat terbit matahari terbit(Matla al-syams)?
5.Dimana tembok yang dibina?Klu:baina saddaiyn..between two barriers:antara dua bukuit/gunung/bahasa yang dituturi tidak difahami kaum disitu.
6.Yakjuj Makjuj/siapa mereka ni?

Nak jadi pengkaji sejarah lak..PC Sunway  boleh bantu kaa?perlu diketahui pengkajian ni bukan bersifat ilmiah seadanya,sekadar hasil bacaan buku2,maklumat dari net dan tafsiran-tafsiarn mufassir dulu dan kini.Dalam ertikata lain syok sendiri je ni hehehe

Ahad, 31 Januari 2010

Tasik Dan Istana Batu Qarun-Di Al-Fayyum

Istilah Fayyum atau Faiyom...ada yang kata dari istilah AlfYaum(1000 hari),tapi yang lebih hampir,istilah tu diambil dari kalimah Baiyom(danau@air).Terletak kira-kira 105km dari Kaherah,ianya merupakan tempat subur(pertanian)  ada ladang anggur dan Mangga(banyak hektar nih).Di Kota ini lahirnya peradaban Mesir Kuno,dimana Kota Menef(ibu kota pertama pemerintahan Firaun).Di kota inilah,Allah s wt menguburkan Qarun(millionaire) beserta hartanya.Cuba gak kuis-kuis pasir tepi tu tapi tak jumpa lah pulak sekeping dua..perak ke emas ke.

Apa yang menarik di Kota Faiyoum ni...

Buhairah Qarun(Tasik Qarun).

Luas 18.900 Hektar,kedalaman antara 5 meter hingga ke 12 meter,kebiruan dan sentiasa bergelombang gitu,airnya takde lah jernih sangat,tapi kalau duk dalam bot..haru jugak,dek gelombang nya.Tengah2 padang pasir tetiba ada tasik isk isk.Tengah tasik ada pulau dinamakan Qarn al-Zahabi.Dikatakan tasik ini adalah sebahagian dari Tasik Moris Kuno yang pernah dikunjungi oleh Herodotus(450sm).Mengikut cerita lisan disinilah kubur Qarun dan seluruh hartanya.

Al-Sawaqi(kincir Air)

Masih tersergam ditengah bandar(masih digunakan) kincir ini adalah sisa dari 200 kincir air zaman peradaban Mesir purba tu.Juga disini ada kesan Piramid Hawarah dan Lahun.Ada yang kata kincir zaman Nabi Yusuf(?)

Rumah Qarun.

Entah ye ntah tidak ada la satu bangunan banyak bilik dikatakan rumah Agam Qarun...masuk je dalam tu,banyak sungguh biliknya.Nak masuk tengok rumah ni kena 5 genih(RM3) atau 10 genih(pelancong biasa).pehh,,,

Apa pun kat Fayyum ni damai je rasa...heheheheeh mengamit memori betul la..ada apa yerr?? Kuaci (cam biji labu putih)(lip) memang rangup.